
Wake Technical 社区 College provides equitable access to education that transforms lives through economic mobility and personal fulfillment.

In pursuit of its mission, the college adheres to an open-door admissions policy. 它提供质量, accessible and affordable education opportunities to all adults regardless of age, 性, 社会经济地位, 民族起源, 比赛, religion or disability. To meet the needs of the citizens of Wake County, the college focuses on providing the following:

  • 支持 services, resources, community outreach and partnerships
  • Programs in basic skills development
  • Vocational, technical and occupational training
  • Preparation to transfer to a four-year college or university


We will reach students in every part of Wake County and rally around them to go as far as their dreams, talents and resilience take them.


  • 公平获得 – 学生 from underrepresented groups, including minority and low-income students, are able to enter Wake Tech programs and access the support services they need to be successful.
  • 公平的结果 – 学生 are successful regardless of their 比赛, gender or 社会经济地位.
  • 学习 – 学生 gain the knowledge, skills and abilities they need for the labor market and transfer.
  • 完成 – 学生 complete vastly more degrees and other meaningful credentials at faster rates than in the past.
  • 转移 – 更多的 students transfer with a credential in less time than in the past and earn bachelor's degrees.
  • 劳动力市场 – 学生 find sustainable employment where they earn a living wage after completing a credential.


Wake Technical 社区 College will structure its operations, training and educational programs around the core values of accountability, 尊重, 责任, 批判性思维, communication and collaboration.

  • 问责制 is essential for an environment of learning. Those who are accountable stand by their words and actions, taking full 责任 for what they create and for what they contribute to the community.
  • 尊重 is a prerequisite for enhancing learning. 社区 members who 尊重 themselves and others help create a safe, 然而,开放, 学习氛围.
  • 责任 is the root of success. 学生 who assume personal 责任 for their education will reach their goals. Responsible students also make contributions to their communities.
  • 批判性思维 is the fundamental purpose of higher education. The ability to solve problems through the application of the appropriate skills is critical to all disciplines.
  • 沟通 is increasingly the key competency for living and working in the information age. Communicating effectively in oral and written forms through traditional and new media is a powerful tool for personal and career success.
  • 协作, by bringing together individual knowledge and talents, creates teams that are greater than the sum of their parts. Such teamwork maximizes benefits to individuals and the community.